A Real hero II

     I know it's kinda early for me to publish today on the blog but the heart shattering news I heard today prompted me to write this.  

       Today we lost an Hero. A man who we judged wrong. He's the perfect example of 'suffering in silence'. He was battling with something so deadly but chose to act okay like nothing was wrong with him. 

       We all have shits we're going through and the fact that this same man had the strength to go by each day with a smile like his life was perfect, the fact that he hid it so well from the world. He was a living corpse, he knew it, he accepted it and he lived with it. 

      Everyone has a facade, something that we put on to cover our sadness, the pain, the tears we cry in silence. We all have where we're hurting that we hide from people......we have bold front we put up for everyone to see. He did that too. 

       You know in a kind of way I feel for the celebrities, they have so much standards to meet up with, they have fans to please and most times they don't have time to be their real selves. 

        Today we lost the an African super hero, a man that battled with cancer for four years but couldn't conquer. He's a legend, a striver. I still remember when I saw a picture of him where he looked so lean, I thought he was a drug addict.... I still remember the look of disgust I gave  him but now I feel like a monster. If only I knew what he was battling but honestly when can we be free from judgment. We live in a society where everything is wrong is people's eyes. 

        When can celebrities be who they really are, when can they be free to do what they want without caring about their fans and living up to people's expectations. 

         Honestly when will that time come where no one has to put up a facade. Where I can be free to show all my emotions and not feel so wrong for doing so. Let's not dive deep into the judging topic cause this chapter is specially for CHADWICK BOSEMAN. A Real Hero, A legend that has managed to make a mark on each and everyone of us. A man that is gone but will never be forgotten. 



                                        ♥Annie ~bee


Unknown said…
Very nice💯❤️
Annie~bee said…
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Annie~bee said…
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Anonymous said…
Cool..Mother inlaw ☻
Unknown said…
He might be a hero in this world but before God and heaven, He could be nothing. The Bible says we should not envy the wicked (disobedient). The reason is because their end is devastating

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