Hey Guyyyyys
So I was actually planning on writing something on toxic relationships but with the whole Sars thing going on, my thumb couldn't resist typing something down.
Firstly, I'd like to commend we Nigerians for standing strong to end this torment, for sticking together even when our governments ain't ready to do anything.
When there were no jobs the people called our leaders didn't do anything and we didn't complain instead we looked for ways of making ends meet for ourselves. Even at this, they still unleashed their ravaging dogs on us for trying to make something of ourselves. We are not lazy youths, we're people with responsibilities and families to feed. It's good enough that the government doesn't care about us or what we do but interfering in our lives is totally out of bound.
I mean, if they're so desperate of curbing 'criminal acts'at least send people who are civilised enough to do the job. It's like saying you want to a thief to catch a thief. We are not animals that you are free to slaughter every day, we're not insects that should die a worthless death, we're not criminals that should be arrested for things we didn't do, we're not terrorists that should be treated like outcasts in our own country.. Our fatherland, we're not slugs that can be persuaded into bending to your will. WE'RE NIGERIANS AND WE DESERVE TO SEEK JUSTICE FOR OUR DEFILED RIGHTS.
We say NO more killing of innocent lives, of kids, of elders. NO more harassment from SARS on top say we dey use iPhone and we dey look good or is it a crime to look all smart and dope??
. NO more bribery and corruption. NO more maltreatment of people, of elders especially. NO more false accusations on hardworking people who get their money legally. NO more shooting and BLOOD SHED. NO more VIOLENCE.
We're HUMANS not ANIMALS and we won't stop fighting and protesting until our CRIES are HEARD.