Nigeria 🎋
I know celebrating Independence Day is overrated. I still remember growing up and always looking up to Independence Day, I still remember the school outings and songs... Then, I was still a child and my innocent mind didn't know the wrongs going on in my country. Now we're all mature and we're seeing what Nigeria truly is.
We've come to know that Nigeria is a country where the corrupt people rule, a place where poverty has become the order of the day, where humans die a worthless death, a place where people live for themselves alone. Yes, Nigeria is not the best country and if I get the chance I will flee but if we all keep leaving then who will save our country from the suffering? Who will change our country? Who's going to help those innocent children that live on the street?
Don't you wanna do something for our country? We are all carrying this hate in our hearts for Nigeria like it's gonna change everything. We are not even proud to be Nigerians. Your hatred won't change a thing but your actions will. We need to get up from our hate-filled minds and do something for our country. If you don't pity the government at least pity those poor children that are suffering for something they didn't contribute to, pity those kids that have no one to care for them, no food to eat, no clothes to wear and are barely surviving.
I know this sentence sounds ironic because it was what they used to win us over back then but we can't hide the meaning behind it which is that "change begins with you ". We can do more than hating on our country, we can start by praying for Nigeria that one day we'll be free and we won't be one of the countries known for poverty.
We were able to fight for our freedom back in the 60's and I'm sure that if we put our hands together we can fight against corruption, poverty and other ill values in Nigeria.
But we are still in this county we need to save it..
God bless Nigeria.
Happy Independent day ❤
You get me ♥